-the culture-
I operate with a high level of precision and attention to detail
when it comes to my clients needs and aspirations.
What to Expect?
My mission can be summed up as creating an opportunity for those desiring to have more elegance and ease in their businesses and lives through using effective collaboration and communication channels.
My clients can look forward to strong collaborative efforts and efficient communication with my team of specialists and premier partners.
I have a curated personnel of diligent, dedicated, and solutions-driven specialists, who seek to deliver carefully customized and well executed luxury brand experiences.
Along with a united desire to provide impeccable client care, my business and lifestyle brand services will not disappoint.
My commitment to my clients is to support them at the intersection of business and lifestyle. The convergence of elegance and ease...work and play with luxury ever present throughout.
What is the Advantage?
Convenience. Time-Saver.
The Bespoke Luxury Living (B.L.L.) branding services are accessible via telephone and e-mail.
A simple phone call, text message or e-mail allows clients to have immediate white glove service at their fingertips.
~ Clients can be reassured that they have a high level of support, so that they can carry on about their day and we save them much needed time.
Access. Knowledge.
Whether to elevate your business or to enhance your lifestyle, Bespoke Luxury Living can provide exceptional services with insider knowledge, elite contacts and expert access with a customized suite of solutions.
~ Clients don't have to stress about knowing everything there is in business and lifestyle management, because B.L.L. will keep them on the pulse on what's happening around them at all times.
Exclusive Privileges. Confidentiality.
Clients can expect to receive highly valuable perks because of their affiliation with the brand.
~ Clients can take advantage of VIP level offerings, while I maintain a high level of discretion regarding their business and lifestyle aspirations.
Customization. Personal Service.
When you become a client, you can expect to receive a highly customized service that is proactive regarding your business and lifestyle needs. Every recommendation provided is specific to you.
~ Of course, there is no one size fits all recommendation provided to you, but only the appropriate recommendation that is just right for you.
Diversity & Inclusion
I stand in solidarity with my Consultants, Coaches, Contributors, Collaborators and Clients in the fight against racism.
I embrace any and every opportunity to celebrate diversity within my organizational culture, as well as, in the luxury industry.I strive to provide a hospitable and respectable atmosphere to anyone who interacts with my brand and decides to partner with me.
I stand against unjust discrimination of any kind - including racism, sexism, ableism, ageism or discrimination based on religious or socioeconomic status.
Such acts of discrimination are considered volatile and highly unacceptable within my company culture. Such disparaging acts do not align with brand's values of respect, integrity, equity and open-mindedness.
I recognize that change starts within and will commit myself to becoming more positively engaged in creating an environment of equity, love and respect for all.
I am committed to utilizing my platform, resources and strategies to raise awareness regarding discrimination and systemic racism while working towards equality in a productive manner.
I value the necessity to constantly monitor current social inequities and injustices across the world, so that a plan can be implemented in order to effect change internally and externally regarding BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and marginalized communities.
I am working to provide support to Minority and Women-Owned Businesses in need of branding or business development.
Please e-mail concierge@thecbbutlergroup.com to get assistance TODAY.
I look forward to more opportunities for us to partner and learn together for a better, fairer and safer tomorrow for us all. I welcome your feedback on any information or improvements that you recommend to be implemented in order to effect positive change.
Furthermore, I am happy to give 10% of all revenue received in 2021 and beyond to be donated to the following organizations:
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Center for Racial Justice in Education
Support Black-Owned Businesses
Please join me in donating to the organizations above or any other organizations that you feel deemed to support in our fight against racism and discrimination.
Let us continue to educate ourselves about the current events plaguing our communities and remain vigilant in combating the negativity and oppression. The resources below can be used as a stepping stone towards taking action in 2021.
Raising Anti-Racist Children:
Teaching Your Child About Black History
Coretta Scott King Book Award Winners
Articles to Read:
The 1619 Project by The New York Times Magazine
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Who Gets to Be Afraid in America by Ibram X. Kendi
Petitions to Sign:
Books to Read:
Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge